Athene Atlas
Athene Atlas is a performance artist based in Vienna. She is DJ, singer, host, actress and Drag Queen. After taking over by storm, the award-winning icon declared herself as Godmother of Viennas queer Underground. She hosts one of Viennas most popular queer events „Club Atlas“. And she is also a passionate kisser. Convince yourself!
Upcoming Gigs
21.02.2025 DRAGÉ-E @celeste Vienna, 22h, 12€ entrance fee
28.03.2025 MAREA ATLAS @Marea Alta Vienna, 22h, free entry – tips welcome
23.05.2025 MAREA ATLAS @Marea Alta Vienna, 22h, free entry – tips welcome
Upcoming Atlas Events

Marea Atlas 21 ½
„Die nackte Matrone“
with Athene Atlas, Fräulein Bürgerschreck, Dutzi Ijsenhower, Dr. Domi Darf Das and Sue Philis Baker
Tunes by Altglas & Mogelpackung
28.03.2025, Marea Alta, Gumpendorfer Straße 28, 1060 Wien, 22h-04h
free entry, tips welcome <3
„Viennas own Divine.“
Peaches Christ

When Athene Atlas was born 1990 in Vienna (AUT), her parents already had planned her entire life. She must become a business analyst, earn good money, and always be a good boy. Turns out she had other plans.
It all started with „Club Atlas“. Since 2021 Athene is hosting events and since 2024 there are several productions under the guise of „Club Atlas“ like „Marea Atlas“, „Palace Athene“ and more are yet to come!
Shine bright like a diamond! Viennas own „Divine“ is doing Performance art and Drag since 2007 two years before RuPauls Drag Race even started. She produces conceptual art and performs as well. Fat, femme, adorable!
Club Atlas – the heart of Viennas queer Underground
Since 2021 Athene Atlas and her team are producing several queer events in Vienna. Marea Atlas, Palace Athene and Club Atlas are located in the heart of Viennas queer Underground and take place every month. Introducing the best artists from Viennas Drag scene, Drag culture and Performance art scene. Marea Atlas is the main event at famous queer bar Marea Alta at Gumpendorfer Straße 28, 1060 Wien. Find our latest events here -> Club Atlas – the strong heart of Viennas queer Underground.

„The best voice of all time, in Vienna, at Sun Dutz Film Fest.“
Dutzi Ijsenhower